Release Notes
ability to override min,max and stderr parameters for screentoCat (CATEngineGRM_ScreenCAT) and SER (CATEngineGRM_PSER_EST) engines through IStatelessEngine
add Installation Instructions to FAQ page
update FAQ for translating forms
Bug Fix (BugFixes_REV11350.sql)
add PROMIS Intensidad del dolor
PROMIS Parent Proxy Scale v2.0 - Anger add 5a to the name
NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction Parent Report FF Ages 3-12 v2.0 - remove items
Update of Item ID FAM_FB_027_PXR1 to FAM_FB_027_PXR1r in PROMIS Parent Proxy v1.0 - Family Relationships
change max item to 8 for measures:
Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v1.0 - Stigma
Spanish Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v1.0 - Stigma
Reorder item order in PROMIS-Global Pain
Capitalization in item: FAM_FI_01_9_PXR1r_ec
New Content - Measures
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Physical Activity 7a battery(EC_Battery_Physical Activity 7a.sql)
Battery - PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Physical Activity 7a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Physical Activity T-score 5a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Overall Physical Activity Item 1a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Vigorous Physical Activity Frequency Item 1a
Battery - PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Actividad física 7a
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Ítem sobre frecuencia de actividad física vigorosa 1a
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Actividad física - T-score 5a
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Ítem sobre actividad física general 1a
PROMIS Short Form v1.0 - Fatigue 10a (FACIT-Fatigue 10) (FACIT_Fatigue_10.sql)
PROMIS Spanish Ped/Proxy Cognitive Function and Anger (PROMIS Ped_Proxy Cog_Anger_es.sql)
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.1 - Función cognitiva
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.1 - Función cognitiva (recomendado)
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.1 - Función cognitiva (screening para administración del CAT)
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Función cognitiva
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Función cognitiva (recomendado)
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Función cognitiva (screening para administración del CAT)
PROMIS Escala - Versión padres v2.0 - Ira 5a
PROMIS Escala Ped v2.0 - Ira 9a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Función cognitiva 7a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Función cognitiva 7a
PROMIS SF Ped v2.0 - Ira 5a
PROMIS Pediatric Stigma (PROMIS Proxy v1.0 and Ped v1.1 - Stigma.sql)
PROMIS Ped SF v1.1 - Pediatric Stigma 8a
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.1 - Pediatric Stigma
PROMIS Ped SF v1.1 - Pediatric Stigma - Skin 8a
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.1 - Pediatric Stigma - Skin
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Fatigue-Multiple Sclerosis 8a (PROMIS SF v1.0 - Fatigue-Multiple Sclerosis 8a.sql)
PROMIS Osteoarthritis-Knee Short Forms (PROMIS_Ortho_SF.sql)
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities-OA-Knee 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Fatigue-OA-Knee 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance-OA-Knee 6a
PROMIS+OA-Knee SF v2.0 - Physical Function 13a
PROMIS+OA-Knee SF v2.0 - Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities 9a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Social Isolation-OA-Knee 2a
PROMIS+OA-Knee SF v1.1 - Pain Interference 13a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Depression-OA-Knee 4a
Re-Normed Pediatric and Parent-Proxy (PROMIS_Peds_Proxy_V3.sql)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Anxiety
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Depressive Sx
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Depressive Sx (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Fatigue
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Mobility
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Mobility (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Behavior
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Behavior (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Interference
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Peer Relationships
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Peer Relationships (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Upper Extremity
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank GenPop v3.0 - Upper Extremity (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Scale GenPop v3.0 - Anger 5a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF GenPop v3.0 - Anxiety 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF GenPop v3.0 - Depressive Sx 6a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF GenPop v3.0 - Fatigue 10a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF GenPop v3.0 - Mobility 7a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF GenPop v3.0 - Pain Behavior 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF GenPop v3.0 - Pain Interference 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF GenPop v3.0 - Peer Relationships 7a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF GenPop v3.0 - Upper Extremity 8a
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Anxiety
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Depressive Sx
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Depressive Sx (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Fatigue
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Mobility
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Mobility (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Behavior
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Behavior (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Interference
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Quality
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Pain Quality (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Peer Relationships
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Peer Relationships (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Upper Extremity
PROMIS Ped Bank GenPop v3.0 - Upper Extremity (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Scale GenPop v3.0 - Anger 9a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Anger 5a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Anxiety 8a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Depressive Sx 8a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Fatigue 10a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Mobility 7a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Pain Behavior 8a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Pain Interference 8a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Pain Quality-Affective 8a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Pain Quality-Sensory 8a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Peer Relationships 8a
PROMIS Ped SF GenPop v3.0 - Upper Extremity 8a
PROMIS Pediatric and Parent Proxy Itch (PIQ-C) Banks and SFs (PROMIS_PIQ_C.sql)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Itch (PIQ-C)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Itch (PIQ-C) (screen-To-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Itch 6a (PIQ-C)
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Itch 8a (PIQ-C)
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Itch 8b (PIQ-C)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Numeric Rating Scale v1.0 - Itch (PIQ-C) 3a
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Itch (PIQ-C)
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Itch (PIQ-C) (screen-To-CAT)
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Itch 6a (PIQ-C)
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Itch 8a (PIQ-C)
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Itch 8b (PIQ-C)
PROMIS Ped Numeric Rating Scale v1.0 - Itch (PIQ-C) 3a
PROMIS (Spanish) Pain Behavior v1.1 Bank & SF (PROMIS_Spanish_Pain_Behavior_es.sql)
PROMIS SF v1.1 - Comportamiento ante el dolor 7a
PROMIS Banco v1.1 - Comportamiento ante el dolor
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Comportamiento ante el dolor 7a
PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Comportamiento ante el dolor
PROMIS Spanish Ped and Parent Proxy v2.0 - Upper Extremity (PROMIS_Upper_Extremity_Peds_Proxy_es.sql)
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Extremidades superiores
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Extremidades superiores (recomendado)
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Extremidades superiores (screening para administración del CAT)
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Extremidades superiores
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Extremidades superiores (screening para administración del CAT)
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Extremidades superiores (recomendado)
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v2.0 - Extremidades superiores 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v2.0 - Extremidades superiores 8a
Physical Function Samples with Mobility Aid Users (updatePF_Mobility_Aid.sql)
PROMIS Short Form v1.0 - Physical Function Samples with Mobility Aid Users 11a
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Physical Function for Samples with Mobility Aid Users
Archive v1.0 and v2.0 Parent Proxy and Peds (archive_Peds_Proxy_V3.sql)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Pain Behavior
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Anxiety
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relations
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relations (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relations (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Pain Behavior 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Anxiety 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Fatigue 10a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Mobility 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Peer Relations 7a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Upper Extremity 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0-Depressive Symptoms 6a
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Pain Behavior
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma - Skin
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Anxiety
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Quality
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Scale v2.0 - Anger 9a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Pain Behavior 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma - Skin 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Anger 5a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Anxiety 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Depressive Sx 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Fatigue 10a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Mobility 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Pain Interference 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Pain Quality-Affective 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Pain Quality-Sensory 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Peer Relationships 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Upper Extremity 8a
New stopping rules engine for CAT algorithm for a subset of measures. (addScreenCATEngine.sql)
Added ItemCount and ItemErrors attributes to the Scores endpoint
Bug Fix
Rename Peds Upper Extermity (rename_Peds_Upper_Extremity.sql)
Rename PROMIS Parent Proxy Pediatric Stigma Skin by adding Pediatric (rename_PROMIS Parent Proxy Pediatric Stigma Skin.sql)
Update Cognitive Function Calibrations (update_Cognitive_Function_params.sql)
Measures affected:
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.1 - Cognitive Function
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Cognitive Function
Add apostrophe to PROMIS Sexual Function v2 (fix_PROMIS Sexual Function v2_apostrophe.sql)
Measures affected:
PROMIS Sexual Function v2 Full Profile (Female)
PROMIS Sexual Function v2 Brief Profile (Female)
PROMIS Sexual Function v2 Full Profile (Male)
PROMIS Sexual Function v2 Brief Profile (Male)
update PROMIS Short Form v2.1 Physical Function MS 15a (fix_PROMIS Short Form v2.1 Physical Function MS 15a_NQMOB06.sqll)
update PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Psych Stress Experiences 8a (capitalize_EOS_P_048R1_PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Psych Stress Experiences 8a.sql)
New Content - Measures
New stopping rules measures (NewStoppingRules.sql)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Anxiety (recommended)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Depression (recommended)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Depression (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Fatigue (recommended)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance (recommended)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Bank v1.1 - Pain Interference (recommended)
PROMIS Bank v1.1 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function (recommended)
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Physical Function (recommended)
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Physical Function (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction Roles Activities (recommended)
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction Roles Activities (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Bank v2.1 - Upper Extremity (recommended)
PROMIS Bank v2.1 - Upper Extremity (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.1 - Cognitive Function (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.1 - Cognitive Function (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relations (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relations (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity (recommended)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Cognitive Function (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Cognitive Function (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships (screen-to-CAT)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - UpperExtremity (recommended)
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - UpperExtremity (screen-to-CAT)
NIH Toolbox Pain Interference CAT Age 18+ v2.0 (NIH Toolbox Pain Interference CAT.sql)
PROMIS Item Pool v1.1 (PROMIS Item Pool v1.1.sql)
add: PROMIS Item Pool v1.1 - Itch-Severity
archive: PROMIS Item Pool v1.0 - Itch-Severity
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 8c (PROMIS_Physical_Function_8c.sql)
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 8c
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 8c 7-day
PROMIS Upper Extremity v2.1(Upper_Exremity_2_1.sql)
PROMIS Short Form v2.1 - Upper Extremity 7a
PROMIS Bank v2.1 - Upper Extremity
PROMIS Perfil CAT v1.0 - 29 (PROMIS_Perfil_CAT_29.sql)
PROMIS Extremidades superiores v2.0 (add_Extremidades superiores.sql)
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Extremidades superiores 7a
PROMIS Banco v2.0 - Extremidades superiores
NIH Toolbox Emotion measures v2.0 (Toolbox_Emotion_2_0-5.sql)
NIH Toolbox Anger - Affect CAT Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Anger - Hostility Fixed Form Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Anger - Physical Aggression Fixed Form Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Fear - Affect CAT Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Fear - Somatic Arousal Fixed Form Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction CAT Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction FF Age 18+ v2.0 b
NIH Toolbox Instrumental Support Fixed Form Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Meaning and Purpose CAT Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Positive Affect CAT Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Positive Affect Fixed Form Age 18+
NIH Toolbox Sadness CAT Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Sadness Fixed Form Ages 8-17 v2.0
Enable statelessParticipant endpoint for AlcoholScreeningCATEngine and ScreeningCATEngine2
Measures affected:
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Alcohol Use
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Negative Consequences
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Positive Consequences
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Appeal of Sub Use (Past 3 mo)
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Appeal of Sub Use (Past 30 days)
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Prescription Pain Med Misuse
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Sev of Sub Use (Past 30 days)
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Severity of Sub Use (Past 3 mo)
Add T-Score and Error attributes to stylesheets for Scores and StatelessParticipant Endpoints
Added Interpretation endpoint (see
New parameters 'Direction' and 'ExtremeResponses' for stateless administration using the CATEngineGRM_ExtremeResponses
Bug Fix
Replace Health with Problems in following measure: (rename_SleepHealth_measures.sql)
PROMIS Early Childhood Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Sleep Problems
PROMIS Early Childhood Parent-Report Short Form v1.0 - Sleep Problems 4a
PROMIS Early Childhood Parent-Report Short Form v1.0 - Sleep Problems 8a
PROMIS Early Childhood Parent-Report Short Form v1.0 - Sleep Problems - Disturbance 4a
PROMIS Early Childhood Parent-Report Short Form v1.0 - Sleep Problems - Daytime Impairment 4a
Reorder Sleep 8a shortform items (reorder_Sleep_8a.sql)
Update theta and se for sequence engines through the FHIR endpoint
New Content - Measures
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Spanish (PROMIS_EC_Spanish.sql)
Spanish | English |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Relaciones sociales - Relación niño-cuidador 5a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Social Relationships - Child-Caregiver Interactions 5a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Banco v1.0 - Ira-Irritabilidad | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Anger/Irritability |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Relaciones sociales 6a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Social Relationships 6a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Banco v1.0 - Ansiedad | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Anxiety |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Ansiedad 4a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Anxiety 4a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos 8a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Positive Affect 8a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos 4a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Positive Affect 4a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Banco v1.0 - Calidad del sueño | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Sleep Problems |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Calidad del sueño 4a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Sleep Problems 4a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Ansiedad 8a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Anxiety 8a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Problemas relacionados con el sueño - Alteraciones durante el día 4a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Sleep Problems - Daytime Impairment 4a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Banco v1.0 - Relaciones sociales | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Social Relationships |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Síntomas de depresión 4a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Depressive Symptoms 4a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Calidad del sueño 8a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Sleep Problems 8a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Calidad del sueño - Trastornos 4a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Social Relationships - Peer Relationships 4a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Banco v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Positive Affect |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Calidad del sueño - Trastornos 4a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Sleep Problems - Disturbance 4a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Salud general 8a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Global Health 8a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Curiosidad 6a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Engagement - Curiosity 6a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Ira-Irritabilidad 8a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Anger/Irritability 8a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Autorregulación - Tolerancia a la frustración 6a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Self-Regulation - Frustration Tolerance 6a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Banco v1.0 - Síntomas de depresión | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Depressive Symptoms |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Actividad física 7a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Physical Activity 7a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Relaciones sociales - Relaciones familiares 4a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Social Relationships - Family Relationships 4a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Síntomas de depresión 8a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Depressive Symptoms 8a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Autorregulación - Flexibilidad 5a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Self-Regulation - Flexibility 5a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Cuestionario abreviado v1.0 - Ira-Irritabilidad 4a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Anger/Irritability 4a |
PROMIS para padres sobre primera infancia - Escala v1.0 - Persistencia 6a | PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Engagement - Persistence 6a |
Ped Pain Behavior Spanish (PED_Pain_Behavior_Spanish.sql)
Spanish | English |
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Comportamiento ante el dolor | PROMIS Pediatric Bank v1.0 - Pain Behavior |
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Comportamiento ante el dolor 8a | PROMIS Pediatric SF v1.0 - Pain Behavior 8a |
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 - Comportamiento ante el dolor | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Pain Behavior |
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Comportamiento ante el dolor 8a | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Pain Behavior 8a |
PROMIS Parent Proxy Strength Impact Spanish (Spanish_PROMIS Parent Proxy Strength Impact.sql)
Spanish | English |
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Impacto de la fuerza 8a | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Strength Impact 8a |
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 - Impacto de la fuerza | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Strength Impact |
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Impacto de la fuerza 4a | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Strength Impact 4a |
adding: PROMIS SF v2.0 - Función cognitiva 8a - PROMIS SF v2.0 - Cognitive Function 8a (Funcion_Cognitiva_v20_8a.sql)
PROMIS Ped Stigma (PROMIS_Ped_Stigma.sql)
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma 8a
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Stigma - Skin 8a
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma - Skin
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Pediatric Stigma - Skin 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Stigma - Skin
NIH Toolbox Vision (Toolbox_Vision.sql)
NIH Toolbox Vision-Related QOL v2.0 - Ocular Symptoms - Age 18+
NIH Toolbox Vision-Related QOL v2.0 - Near Vision - Age 18+
NIH Toolbox Vision-Related QOL v2.0 - Distance Vision - Age 18+
NIH Toolbox Vision-Related QOL v2.0 - Color Vision - Age 18+
NIH Toolbox Vision-Related QOL v2.0 - Psychosocial Age - Age 18+
NIH Toolbox Vision-Related QOL v2.0 - Role Performance - Age 18+
PROMIS E-Cigarette Nicotine Dependence instruments (PROMIS_E_Cig.sql)
PROMIS SF v1.0 - E-Cigarette Nicotine Dependence 4a/b>
PROMIS SF v1.0 - E-Cigarette Nicotine Dependence 8a/b>
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - E-Cigarette Nicotine Dependence/b>
Update Usage endpoint enabling the passing of date ranges ([dbo].[getUsageByDates].sql)
Bug Fix
Reorder Fatigue 8a short form items (Reorder_Fatigue_8a.sql)
New Content - Measures
PROMIS Sexual Function V2.0 (add_PROMIS_SexualFunction_v2.0.sql)
PROMIS Pool v2-Anal Discomft (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Pool v2-Bother Re Sexual Function (Female)
PROMIS Pool v2-Bother Re Sexual Function (Male)
PROMIS Pool v2-Factors Interfere w Sexual Satisfac
PROMIS Pool v2-Sexual Activities (Female)
PROMIS Pool v2-Sexual Activities (Male)
PROMIS Pool v2-Sexual Function Screeners
PROMIS Pool v2-Therap Aids Sexual Activ (Female)
PROMIS Pool v2-Therap Aids Sexual Activ (Male)
PROMIS Scale v2-Clitoral Discomf (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Scale v2-Erectile Fnction (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Scale v2-Interest in Sexual Activity
PROMIS Scale v2-Labial Discomft (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Scale v2-Lubrication (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Scale v2-Oral Discomfort (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Scale v2-Oral Dryness (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Scale v2-Orgasm-Ability (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Scale v2-Orgasm-Pleasure (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Scale v2-Satisfaction (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Scale v2-Vaginal Discomft (Sexually Active)
PROMIS Sexual Function v2 Brief Profile (Female)
PROMIS Sexual Function v2 Brief Profile (Male)
PROMIS Sexual Function v2 Full Profile (Female)
PROMIS Sexual Function v2 Full Profile (Male)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Erectile Function
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Global Satisfaction w Sex Life
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Interest in Sexual Activity
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Lubrication
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Vaginal Discomfort
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Anal Discomfort
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Interfering Factors
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Orgasm
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Sexual Activities
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Sexual Fx Screener Questions
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Therapeutic Aids
PROMIS Sexual Function Profile v1.0 - Female
PROMIS Sexual Function Profile v1.0 - Male
PROMIS Sexual Function Profile v1.0-Male&Female
Neuro-QOL_Caregiver (add_Neuro-QOL_Caregiver.sql)
Neuro-QoL Caregiver SF v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Feelings of Loss - Self 6a
Neuro-QoL Caregiver SF v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Feeling Trapped 6a
Neuro-QoL Caregiver SF v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Emotional Suppression 6a
Neuro-QoL Caregiver SF v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Caregiver-Specific Anxiety 6a
Neuro-QoL Caregiver SF v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Caregiver Vigilance 6a
Neuro-QoL Caregiver SF v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Caregiver Strain 6a
Neuro-QoL Caregiver SF v1.0 - TBI-CareQOL Military Health Care Frustration - Self 6a
Neuro-QoL Caregiver SF v1.0 - TBI-CareQOL Military Health Care Frustration - Person with TBI 6a
Neuro-QoL Caregiver Bank v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Feelings of Loss - Self
Neuro-QoL Caregiver Bank v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Feelings of Loss - Person with TBI
Neuro-QoL Caregiver Bank v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Feeling Trapped
Neuro-QoL Caregiver Bank v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Emotional Suppression
Neuro-QoL Caregiver Bank v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Caregiver-Specific Anxiety
Neuro-QoL Caregiver Bank v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Caregiver Vigilance
Neuro-QoL Caregiver Bank v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Caregiver Strain
Neuro-QoL Caregiver Bank v1.0 - TBI-CareQOL Military Health Care Frustration
Neuro-QoL Caregiver SF v2.0 - TBI-CareQOL Feelings of Loss - Person with TBI 6a
Toolbox Emotion v2.0 (add_NIH_Toolbox_Emotion_v2.0.sql)
NIH Toolbox Anger Parent Report CAT Ages 8-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Anger Parent Report FF Ages 3-7 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Empathic Behaviors Parent Report CAT Ages 3-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Fear Parent Report CAT Ages 8-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Fear-Over Anxious Parent Report FF Ages 3-7 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Fear-Separation Anxiety Parent Report FF Ages 3-7 v2.0
NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction Parent Report FF Ages 3-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Peer Rejection Parent Report FF Ages 3-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Positive Affect Parent Report CAT Ages 3-7 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Sadness Parent Report CAT Ages 8-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Sadness Parent Report FF Ages 3-7 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Social Withdrawal Parent Report FF Ages 3-12 v2.0
Spanish Peds Strength Impact (add_Ped_Strength_Impact.sql)
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Impacto de la fuerza (PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Strength Impact)
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Impacto de la fuerza 4a (PROMIS Ped Short Form v1.0 - Strength Impact 4a)
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Impacto de la fuerza 8a (PROMIS Ped Short Form v1.0 - Strength Impact 8a)
PROMIS PROMIS CAT 29 (add_PROMIS_Profile_CAT_29.sql)
PROMIS EC Parent-Report (add_PROMIS_EC.sql)
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Social Relationships - Child-Caregiver Interactions 5a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Anger/Irritability
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Social Relationships 6a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Anxiety
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Anxiety 4a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Positive Affect 8a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Positive Affect 4a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Sleep Health
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Sleep Health 4a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Anxiety 8a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Sleep Health - Impairment 4a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Social Relationships
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Depressive Symptoms 4a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Sleep Health 8a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Social Relationships - Peer Relationships 4a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Positive Affect
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Sleep Health - Disturbance 4a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Global Health 8a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Engagement - Curiosity 6a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Anger/Irritability 8a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Self-Regulation - Frustration Tolerance 6a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Bank v1.0 - Depressive Symptoms
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Physical Activity 7a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Social Relationships - Family Relationships 4a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Depressive Symptoms 8a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Self-Regulation - Flexibility 5a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report SF v1.0 - Anger/Irritability 4a
PROMIS EC Parent-Report Scale v1.0 - Engagement - Persistence 6a
Loinc codes for archived forms below: (Loinc.sql)
PROMIS parent proxy item bank - mobility - version 1.0
PROMIS parent proxy item bank - pain interference - version 1.0
PROMIS parent proxy - global health 7 - version 1.0
PROMIS parent proxy short form - mobility 8 - version 1.0
PROMIS parent proxy short form - physical function - upper extremity 8 - version 1.0
Add score interpretation for forms - see script for form listing (Score_Interpretation.sql)
Enable FHIR for short forms (i.e. sequence engine)
Bug Fix
Punctuation/Capitalization (fix_Punctutation_Capitalization.sql)
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Movilidad
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Síntomas de depresión
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Quality
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Depressive Sx 8a
PROMIS Pediatric Scale v1.0 - Global Health 7
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Fatigue 10a
Fix stylesheet for score = 0.0
Bug fixes for FHIR endpoints
All endpoints use CultureInfo("en-US") because db dates are US-formatted
CAT engine fix for information calculation NaN calculations are set to 0.0
New Content - Measures
PROMIS Pain Interference v1.1 - (Pain_Interference_v_1_1.sql)
PROMIS SF v1.1-Pain Interference 6a
PROMIS SF v1.1-Pain Interference 6b
PROMIS SF v1.1-Pain Interference 8a
PROMIS SF v1.1-Pain Interference 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0-Pain Interference 6a
PROMIS SF v1.0-Pain Interference 6b
PROMIS SF v1.0-Pain Interference 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0-Pain Interference 4a
NIH Toolbox FF v2.0 - Apathy (Toolbox_Apathy.sql)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank - Cognitive Function (PP_CogF_V1_1.sql)
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.1 - Cognitive Function
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Cognitive Function
PROMIS GI Gas and Bloating 13a (PROMIS_Bloat_v1_1.sql)
PROMIS Scale v1.1 - GI Gas and Bloating 13a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - GI Gas and Bloating 13a
PROMIS Pain Intensity (Pain_Intensity.sql)
PROMIS NRS v1.0 - Pediatric Pain Intensity 1a
PROMIS NRS v1.0 - Parent Proxy Pain Intensity 1a
PROMIS NRS v1.0 - Pain Intensity 1a
Neuro-QoL Bank v2.0 - HDQLIFE (HDQLIFE.sql)
Neuro-QoL Bank v2.0 - HDQLIFE - Chorea
Neuro-QoL Bank v2.0 - HDQLIFE Death and Dying
Neuro-QoL Bank v2.0 - HDQLIFE Speech Difficulties
Neuro-QoL Bank v2.0 - HDQLIFE Swallowing Difficul
Neuro-QoL Scale v2.0 - HDQLIFE End of Life Plan
Neuro-QoL SF v2.0 - HDQLIFE Chorea 6a
Neuro-QoL SF v2.0 - HDQLIFE Death and Dying 6a
Neuro-QoL SF v2.0 - HDQLIFE Speech Difficulties 6a
Neuro-QoL SF v2.0 - HDQLIFE Swallowing Difficul 6a
PROMIS Funcion_Cognitiva v2.0 Spanish - (Funcion_Cognitiva_v_20.sql)
PROMIS Banco v2.0 - Función cognitiva
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Función cognitiva 4a
MS Clinical Assessment - (MSPRO.sql)
Utility Score for PROMIS-29 Profile/Battery v2.1 - (register_ScoringEvent_Profile_29.sql)
Score interpretation added to Results endpoint - (ScoreInterpretations.sql)
Added the ability to override the following Engine properties (MaxStdErr, MinNumItems, MaxNumItems, PriorDistributionMean, PriorDistributionStdDev, ExtremeResponses)
Added Engine (MSS.PSEREngine.dll - CATEngineExtremeResponses) implementing a modified stopping rules which stops assessment if first 4 items endorse lowest response option. (Extra_Engines.sql)
Illness Impact measures administration instructions listed in FAQs
Bug Fix
Change Error attribute in Results endpoint to SError as not to conflict if an actual Error is raised.
PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Satisfacción general con la vida - fix response options (PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Satisfacción general con la vida.sql)
Add ParentOID to 3 Peds and 3 Proxy banks - (updateMetaData_Spanish_Ped_Proxy.sql)
New Content - Measures
PROMIS Peds Pain Quality measures - (Peds_Pain_Quality.sql)
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Pain Quality-Affective 8a
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Quality
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Pain Quality-Sensory 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0-Fatigue 7b Daily & FACIT 13a - (Fatigue.sql)
ToolboxEmotion v2.0 measures - (NIH Toolbox Emotion v2.0.sql)
NIH Toolbox Perceived Hostility FF Ages 8-17 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Perceived Rejection FF Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Self-Efficacy CAT Ages 13-17 v2.0
NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction CAT Ages 13-17 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Self-Efficacy CAT Ages 8-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction FF Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction FF Ages 13-17 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Loneliness FF Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Positive Affect FF Ages 8-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Self-Efficacy CAT Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Positive Affect Parent Rpt FF Ages 8-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Perceived Rejection FF Ages 8-17 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Perceived Hostility FF Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Loneliness FF Ages 8-17 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Positive Affect FF Ages 13-17 v2.0
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Phys Function 24a (PROMIS-HAQ) (load_PROMIS-HAQ.sql)
CIQOL-10 Global Profile v1.0 - (CIQOL_Profile.sql)
PROMIS Scale v2.0 - Pain Intensity 3a - (PROMIS Scale v2.0 - Pain Intensity 3a.sql)
PROMIS Peds v2.0 - Efectos del dolor - (Ped_Efectos_del_dolor.sql)
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Efectos del dolor - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference
PROMIS SF Ped v2.0 - Efectos del dolor 8a - PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Pain Interference 8a
PROMIS Bank v2.1 - Mobility; archive v1.2, 2.0 - (PROMIS Bank v2.1 - Mobility.sql)
load:PROMIS Bank v2.1 - Mobility
archive:PROMIS Bank v1.2 - Mobility
archive:PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Mobility
PROMIS PF v2.0 Spanish - (PROMIS_PF_v2.0_Spanish.sql)
PROMIS Banco v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico
PROMIS Banco v2.0 - Movilidad
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 10a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 10b
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 20a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 6b
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 8b
PROMIS Banco v1.2 - Movilidad
PROMIS Banco v1.2 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico
PROMIS SF v1.2 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 6b
PROMIS SF v1.2 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 8b
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 6b
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 8b
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 4a
PROMIS Peds & Proxy v2.0 Spanish - (Spanish_Peds_Proxy.sql)
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Relaciones entre iguales -- (PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships)
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v2.0 - Relaciones entre iguales 7a -- (PROMIS Parent Proxy Short Form v2.0 - Peer Relationships 7a)
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Movilidad -- (PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility)
PROMIS SF Ped v2.0 - Movilidad 8a -- (PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Mobility 8a)
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Agotamiento -- (PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue)
PROMIS SF Ped v2.0 - Agotamiento 10a -- (PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Fatigue 10a)
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Movilidad -- (PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility)
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v2.0 - Movilidad 8a -- (PROMIS Parent Proxy Short Form v2.0 - Mobility 8a)
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Agotamiento -- (PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue)
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v2.0 - Agotamiento 10a -- (PROMIS Parent Proxy Short Form v2.0 - Fatigue 10a)
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Efectos del dolor -- (PROMIS Parent Proxy Item Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference)
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v2.0 - Efectos del dolor 8a -- (PROMIS Parent Proxy Short Form v2.0 - Pain Interference 8a)
Toolbox Emotion v2.0 Spanish - (Toolbox_Emotion_Spanish.sql)
NIH Toolbox_Satisfacción con la vida en general_CAT_Edades 13-17 v2.0 (NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction CAT Ages 13-17 v2.0)
NIH Toolbox_Satisfacción con la vida en general_FF A_Edades 13-17 v2.0 (NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction FF A Ages 13-17 v2.0)
NIH Toolbox_Satisfacción con la vida en general_FF B_Edades 13-17 v2.0 (NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction FF B Ages 13-17 v2.0)
NIH Toolbox_Autoeficacia_CAT_Edades 18+ años v2.0 (NIH Toolbox Self-Efficacy CAT Age 18+ v2.0)
NIH Toolbox_Autoeficacia_CAT_Edades 13-17 años v2.0 (NIH Toolbox Self-Efficacy CAT Ages 13-17 v2.0)
NIH Toolbox_Autoeficacia_CAT_Edades 8-12 años v2.0 (NIH Toolbox Self-Efficacy CAT Ages 8-12 v2.0)
Display form properties by passing ?PROPERTIES=true to Forms endpoint. (see Forms APIs notes: /2012-01/Docs/Forms)
Questionnaire endpoint supporting FHIR Questionnaire resource. (see FHIR Questionnaire Resource notes: /2012-01/Docs/FHIR)
StatelessParticipants endpoint can accept raw JSON responses. (see Stateless Assessments FAQ: /2012-01/Docs/API_Stateless.docx)
T-Score attribute added to Results endpoint
Score interpretation structure added to Results endpoint - interpretations will be added in future releases (FormInterpretation.sql)
BatteryScore endpoint (see Remarks in 2012-01/Docs/Batteries)
Experimental multi-dimensional CAT (MCAT) (PROMIS_MCATs.sql)
Bug Fix
Fix SequenceBranchEngine - incrementPosition after response instead of getNextItem()
Fix AlcoholSequenceEngine - incrementPosition only if a response != string.Empty.
Treat skip Empty.Guid as a response and continue to CAT.
Fix ScreeningCATEngine. set '_form' property from screening engine '_doc' property when answering screening questions.
Error occured when using the Participants?Persist=true because the getForm method failed because '_form' property is string.Empty
Fix stateless engine (CATEngineGRM__Configurable) when response have apostrophe response
Remove calibrations for items: SMKCOP05, SMKNDEP20, SMKNDEP21 - (Update_Smoking_Calibrations.sql)
Fix localization for archived Peds banks (UpdateLocalization_for_ArchivedPeds.sql)
Archive PROMIS Health v1.1 use PROMIS Scale/Battery v1.2 - Global Health instead (Archive_PROMIS_Health_v11.sql)
New Content - Measures
NIH Toolbox Apoyo emocional_FF_Edades 8-17 años v2.0 - Spanish NIH Toolbox Emotional Support FF Ages 8-17 v2.0
(NIH Toolbox Emotional Support FF Ages 8-17 v2.0_es.sql)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Alcohol Use (PROMIS_Bank_Alcohol_Use_enable.sql)
CIQOL Bank v1.0 - Communication
CIQOL Bank v1.0 - Emotional
CIQOL Bank v1.0 - Entertainment
CIQOL Bank v1.0 - Environment
CIQOL Bank v1.0 - Listening Effort
CIQOL Bank v1.0 - Social
CIQOL SF v1.0 - Communication 10a
CIQOL SF v1.0 - Emotional 5a
CIQOL SF v1.0 - Entertainment 5a
CIQOL SF v1.0 - Environment 5a
CIQOL SF v1.0 - Listening Effort 5a
CIQOL SF v1.0 - Social 5a
New Content - Profiles/Batteries
PROMIS v2.1 Profiles (PROMIS_Profiles_v_2_1.sql)
PROMIS-57 Escala/Batería v2.1
PROMIS-43 Escala/Batería v2.1
PROMIS-29 Escala/Batería v2.1
PROMIS-57 Profile/Battery v2.1
PROMIS-43 Profile/Battery v2.1
PROMIS-29 Profile/Battery v2.1
added AnchorText attribute for response options that have supplemental text
added endpoint 2014-01/Participants/{Form}/{User} to bypass state stored in db to reduce the initial loading time of an assessment
additional PROMIS LOINC mappings
experimental multi-dimensional CAT (MCAT)
Demo page modifications to free text through ItemType='string' attribute
Demo page modifications to support multiple scored measures (MCAT)
Demo page modifications to support AnchorText attribute - see PROMIS Pain Intensity item (9033R1r)
Demo page modifications to display response values for displayForm button
Bug Fix
fix item order of Sleep distrubance short form (fix_Sleep_Distr_itemOrder.sql)
fix PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Informational Support (fix_Informational_Support.sql)
remove entity reference for carriage return from 20 TBI, SCI measures (fix_EntityReferences.sql)
syntax fixes to the endpoint for FHIR Questionnaire
New Content - Measures
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Negative Consequences
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Positive Consequences
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Phys Func Samples w Mobility Aid
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Pain Behavior
PROMIS Scale v2.0 - Pain Behavior
PROMIS Scale v2.0 - Nociceptive Pain Quality 5a
PROMIS Scale v2.0 - Neuropathic Pain Quality 5a
NIH Toolbox Estrés percibido_CAT_Versión Padres_Edades 8-12 años v2.0
NIH Toolbox Estrés percibido_FF_Edades 13-17 años v2.0
NIH Toolbox Estrés percibido_FF_Edades 18+ años v2.0
NIH Toolbox Interacción positiva con los pares_FF_Versión Padres_Edades 3-12 años v2.0
NIH Toolbox Perceived Stress FF Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Perceived Stress FF Ages 13-17 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Perceived Stress Parent Report CAT Ages 8-12 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Positive Peer Interaction Parent Report FF Ages 3-12 v2.0
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 - Actividad física
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 - Alteraciones relacionadas con el sueño
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 - Experiencias con estrés psicológico
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 - Relaciones familiares
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 - Satisfacción con la vida
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 - Significado y propósito
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 Trastornos del sueño
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Actividad física
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Alteraciones relacionadas con el sueño
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Experiencias con estrés psicológico
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Relaciones familiares
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Satisfacción con la vida
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Significado y propósito
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño
PROMIS Banco v2.0 - Apoyo a través de la información
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño 8a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres - v1.0 Satisfacción con la vida 8b
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Actividad física 4a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Actividad física 8a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Alteraciones relacionadas con el sueño 4a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Alteraciones relacionadas con el sueño 8a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Experiencias con estrés psicológico 4a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Experiencias con estrés psicológico 8a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Satisfacción con la vida 4a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Satisfacción con la vida 8a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Significado y propósito 4a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Significado y propósito 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Actividad física 4a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Actividad física 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Alteraciones relacionadas con el sueño 4a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Alteraciones relacionadas con el sueño 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Experiencias con estrés psicológico 4a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Experiencias con estrés psicológico 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Relaciones familiares 4a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Relaciones familiares 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Satisfacción con la vida 4a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Satisfacción con la vida 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Satisfacción con la vida 8b
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Significado y propósito 4a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Significado y propósito 8a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Apoyo a través de la información 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Apoyo a través de la información 6a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Apoyo a través de la información 8a
PROMIS SF Versión Padres v1.0 - Relaciones familiares 4a
PROMIS SF Versión Padres v1.0 - Relaciones familiares 8a
PROMIS SF Versión Padres v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño 4a
PROMIS SF Versión Padres v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño 8a
NIH Toolbox Emotional Support FF Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Emotional Support FF Ages 8-17 v2.0
NIH Toolbox Friendship FF Age 18+ v2.0
NIH Toolbox Friendship FF Ages 8-17 v2.0
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Ansiedad
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Síntomas de depresión
PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Ansiedad
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Síntomas de depresión
PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Satisfacción general con la vida
PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Significado y propósito
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos 4a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos 8a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v2.0 - Ansiedad 8a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v2.0 - Síntomas de depresión 6a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos 4a
PROMIS SF Ped v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v2.0 - Ansiedad 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v2.0 - Síntomas de depresión 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Satisfacción general con la vida 5a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Significado y propósito 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Significado y propósito 6a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Significado y propósito 8a
New Content - Profiles/Batteries
alpha endpoint for FHIR Questionnaire spec
localization stored procedures for crosswalking measures [dbo].[getMatrix_localizedForms], [dbo].[getMatrix_localizedForms_ByLocale]
added ItemID to the DisplayForm function in the demo page
Stateless engine throw INVALID Parameter if response is wrong
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Applied Cog Abilities LOINC mapped
Bug Fix
Branching in GI measures when skipping criteria question
fix Unicode characters in TBI, SCI QOL measures
New Content - Measures
PROMIS Banco - Versión Padres v2.0 - Asma
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Asma
PROMIS Banco Ped v2.0 - Relaciones entre iguales
PROMIS Banco v2.0 - Apoyo emocional
PROMIS Banco v2.0 - Medios de apoyo
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - General Life Satisfaction
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Itch - Mood and Sleep
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Itch-Activity and Clothing
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Itch-Interference
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Positive Affect
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Appeal of Sub Use (Past 3 mo)
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Appeal of Sub Use (Past 30 days)
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Prescription Pain Med Misuse
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Sev of Sub Use (Past 30 days)
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Severity of Sub Use (Past 3 mo)
PROMIS Checklist v1.0 - Itch-Quality
PROMIS Checklist v1.0 - Itch-Triggers
PROMIS Escala - Versión Padres v1.0 - Salud general 7
PROMIS Escala Ped v1.0 - Salud general 7
PROMIS Escala v1.2 - Salud general Física 2a
PROMIS Escala v1.2 - Salud general Mental 2a
PROMIS Item Pool v1.0 - Itch-Severity
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Sleep-Rel Impair
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0-Family Relationships
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Life Satisfaction 8b
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Sleep Disturb 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Sleep Disturb 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Sleep-Rel Impair 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Sleep-Rel Impair 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0-Fam Relationships 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0-Fam Relationships 8a
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Family Relationships
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Sleep-Related Impairment
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Life Satisfaction 8b
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Sleep-Related Impairment 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Sleep-Related Impairment 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0-Family Relationships 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0-Family Relationships 8a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - Itch-Scratching Behavior 5a
PROMIS Scale v1.2 - Global Mental 2a
PROMIS Scale v1.2 - Global Physical 2a
PROMIS SF - Versión Padres v2.0 - Asma 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v2.0 - Asma 8a
PROMIS SF Ped v2.0 - Relaciones entre iguales 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - General Life Satisfaction 5a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Itch-Activity and Clothing 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Itch-Activity and Clothing 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Itch-Interference 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Itch-Interference 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Itch-Mood and Sleep 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Itch-Mood and Sleep 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Positive Affect 15a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Sleep-Related Impairment 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0-Appeal of Sub Use (Past 3 mo) 7a
PROMIS SF v1.0-Appeal of Sub Use (Past 30 days) 7a
PROMIS SF v1.0-Prescription Pain Med Misuse 7a
PROMIS SF v1.0-Sev of Sub Use (Past 30 days) 7a
PROMIS SF v1.0-Severity of Sub Use (Past 3 mo) 7a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Apoyo emocional 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Apoyo emocional 6a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Apoyo emocional 8a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Medios de apoyo 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Medios de apoyo 6a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Medios de apoyo 8a
PROMIS v1.0 - Alteraciones relacionadas con el sueño SF 4a
New Content - Profiles/Batteries
PROMIS Escala/Batería Pediátrica v1.0 - Salud General 7+2
PROMIS Escala/Batería v1.2 - Salud General
PROMIS Escala/Batería Versión Padres v1.0 - Salud General 7+2
PROMIS Parent Proxy Scale/Battery v1.0 - Global Health 7+2
PROMIS Pediatric Scale/Battery v1.0 - Global Health 7+2
Include EPIC transformation for generating EPIC import spec.
Added missing parameter exception for stateless handler.
Branching parameter calibration handler. Used for which engine.
Add engineAssessmbly and Engine Type attributes to stateless endpoint.
Accept ItemResponseOID as a response for the stateless endpoint.
Bug Fix
Renamed bitwise checkboxes in demo to btnCheckboxes.
Score all responses when using stateless endpoint, don't apply stop conditions.
Check for existing event handlers before registering event.
Accept responses with apostrophes in scoring endpoint.
Punctuation and Capitalization fixes for the following items (Peds_Proxy_Combined.sql)
Fix double quote
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx 2227R1r I didn''t care about anything.
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx 5035R1r I felt like I couldn''t do anything right.
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue 4212R1r Being tired made it hard for me to play or go out with my friends as much as I''d like.
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx 7010 I felt sad for no reason
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility 5200bR1r I could run a mile
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Pain Behavior PBNEW2_Ped it showed on my face.
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Psych Stress Experiences EOS_P_108R1 my thoughts went very fast.
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Psych Stress Experiences EOS_P_047R1 small things upset me.
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Psych Stress Experiences EOS_P_048R1 everything bothered me.
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue Pf4fatigue10r my child was too tired to go up and down a lot of stairs.
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue Pf3fatigue1r my child felt tired.
Include Battery as top node around Forms node
PROMIS Parent Proxy-49 Profile v2.0/Battery v2.0
PROMIS Parent Proxy-37 Profile v2.0/Battery v2.0
New Content
ASCQ-Me Emotional Impact CAT v2.0
ASCQ-Me Emotional Impact SF v2.0
ASCQ-Me Pain Episode Freq and Severity
ASCQ-Me Pain Impact CAT v2.0
ASCQ-Me Pain Impact SF v2.0
ASCQ-Me Sickle Cell Medical Hx Checklist
ASCQ-Me Sleep Impact CAT v2.0
ASCQ-Me Sleep Impact SF v2.0
ASCQ-Me Social Functioning Impact CAT v2.0
ASCQ-Me Social Functioning Impact SF v2.0
ASCQ-Me Stiffness Impact CAT v2.0
ASCQ-Me Stiffness Impact SF v2.0
SCI-FI Manual Wheelchair SF 10a
SCI-FI v1.0 Ambulation - Core Items CAT
SCI-FI v1.0 Ambulation SF 11a
SCI-FI v1.0 Basic Mobility - Core Items CAT
SCI-FI v1.0 Basic Mobility SF 11a
SCI-FI v1.0 Fine Motor Function - Core Items CAT
SCI-FI v1.0 Fine Motor SF 10b-Tetra
SCI-FI v1.0 Fine Motor SF 11b-Para
SCI-FI v1.0 Fine Motor SF 9a
SCI-FI v1.0 Manual Wheelchair - Core Items CAT
SCI-FI v1.0 Power Wheelchair - Core Items CAT
SCI-FI v1.0 Power Wheelchair SF 10b-Para
SCI-FI v1.0 Power Wheelchair SF 10b-Tetra
SCI-FI v1.0 Power Wheelchair SF 9a
SCI-FI v1.0 Self Care - Core Items CAT
SCI-FI v1.0 Self Care SF 10b-Para
SCI-FI v1.0 Self Care SF 11a
SCI-FI v1.0 Self Care SF 11b-Tetra
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Ability to Participate in SRA
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Anxiety
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Bladder Mgmt. Difficulties
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Bowel Mgmt. Difficulties
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Depression
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Grief - Loss
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Independence
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Pain Interference
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Positive Affect and Well-Being
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Resilience
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Satisfaction with SRA
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Self-Esteem
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Stigma
SCI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Trauma
SCI-QOL Scale v1.0 - Bladder Complications
SCI-QOL Scale v1.0 - Pain Behavior
SCI-QOL Scale v1.0 - Pressure Ulcers
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Ability to Part. in SRA SF10a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Anxiety SF9a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Bladder Mgmt. Difficulties SF8a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Bowel Mgmt. Difficulties SF9a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Depression SF10a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Grief - Loss SF9a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Independence SF 8a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Pain Interference SF10a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Pos. Affect and Well-Being SF10a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Resilience SF 8a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Satisfaction with SRA SF10a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Stigma SF10a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0 - Trauma SF8a
SCI-QOL SF v1.0- Self-Esteem SF8a
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Ability to Participate in SRA
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Anger
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Anxiety
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Communication
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Depression
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Emot. & Behav. Dyscontrol
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Executive Function
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Fatigue
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - General Concerns
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Grief - Loss
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Headache
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Independence
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Mobility
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Pain Interference
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Positive Affect and Well-Being
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Resilience
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Satisfaction with SRA
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Self-Esteem
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Stigma
TBI-QOL Bank v1.0 - Upper Extremity/ADL
TBI-QOL Scale v1.0 - Asking For Help
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Ability to Part. In SRA SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Anger SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Anxiety SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Cognition - Gen Con SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Communication SF9a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Depression SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Emot. & Behav. Dyscontrol SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Executive Function SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Fatigue SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Grief - Loss SF9a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Headache SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Independence SF8a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Mobility SF9a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Pain Interference SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Pos. Affect and Well-Being SF9a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Resilience SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Satisfaction with SRA SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Self-Esteem SF10a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Stigma SF7a
TBI-QOL SF v1.0 - Upper Extremity/ADL SF9a
Added the Usage endpoint to the demo app.
Stateless administration of assessments. (see FAQ: How to administer a stateless assessment)
For a limited set of PROMIS content, the Form(s) endpoint supports LOINC coding. More LOINC coding will be released when it becomes available. (see FAQ: LOINC Coded content)
Bug Fix
Fix html escape encoding for Results endpoint with xml extension
Remove carriage return at the end of ItemIDs: Pf4mobil2r, Pf3mobil12r, Pf3mobil2r in PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility (2017_11_01_bug_fixes.sql)
Change ?? to 1/2 In Items DYSFL010, DYSFL016 (2017_11_01_bug_fixes.sql)
Effected Instruments: PROMIS SF v1.0 - Dyspnea Funct Limitations 10a, PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Functional Limitations
Change ??? to ' in it DYSAE004 - PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Airborne Exposure (2017_11_01_bug_fixes.sql)
Change ??? to ' in DYSER007 - PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Emotional Response (2017_11_01_bug_fixes.sql)
Change ??? to ... in multipel items - PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Characteristics (2017_11_01_bug_fixes.sql)
Change ??? to ... in PROMIS Scale v1.2 - Global Health (instrument never released) (2017_11_01_bug_fixes.sql)
New Content
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - UpperExtremity
NIH TB Hearing Handicap Age 65+
NIH TB Hearing Handicap Ages 18-64
NIH TB Vision-Related QOL Color Vision Age 18+
NIH TB Vision-Related QOL Distance Vision Age 18+
NIH TB Vision-Related QOL Near Vision Age 18+
NIH TB Vision-Related QOL Ocular Symptoms Age 18+
NIH TB Vision-Related QOL Psychosocial Age 18+
NIH TB Vision-Related QOL Role Performance Age 18+
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - General Self-Efficacy
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Meaning and Purpose
PROMIS Short Form v1.0 - General Self-Efficacy 4a
PROMIS Short Form v1.0 - Meaning and Purpose 4a
PROMIS Short Form v1.0 - Meaning and Purpose 6a
PROMIS Short Form v1.0 - Meaning and Purpose 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy-25 Profile v2.0/Battery v2.0
PROMIS Parent Proxy-37 Profile v2.0/Battery v2.0
PROMIS Parent Proxy-49 Profile v2.0/Battery v2.0
PROMIS Ped-25 Profile v2.0/Battery v2.0
PROMIS Ped-37 Profile v2.0/Battery v2.0
PROMIS Ped-49 Profile v2.0/Battery v2.0
Added ItemResponseOID and Response attribute to the item node on the Participant endpoint response. This can be used to update the UI when navigating back.
Assessments handler now can accept parameters to override default stopping rule behavior.
Scores handler can be used to score items by posting ItemID and Response Texts.
Security review: moved inline sql to stored procedure.
Security review: remove error messages from UI screens in demo app.
Bug Fix
Fix escape encoding for Results endpoint with xml extension
Remove carriage returns from the following instruments:
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 - Fatigue
Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v1.1 - Depression
Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v1.0 - Depression
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v2.0 - Cognitive Function
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - Fatigue
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Erectile Function
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Interest in Sexual Activity
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Lubrication
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Ability to Participate Social
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Social Isolation
PROMIS Pediatric Scale v1.1 - Anger 5a
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Interfering Factors
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Orgasm
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Therapeutic Aids
PROMIS Sexual Function Profile v1.0 - Female
PROMIS Sexual Function Profile v1.0 - Male
PROMIS SF v1.1 - Global Health
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Ability to Participate Social 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Ability to Participate Social 6a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Ability to Participate Social 8a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Social Isolation 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Social Isolation 6a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Social Isolation 8a
New Content
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Mobility
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Physical Function
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Anxiety
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Asthma Impact
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference
PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships
PROMIS Ped Scale v2.0 - Anger 9a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Anger 5a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Anxiety 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Asthma Impact 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Depressive Sx 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Fatigue 10a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Mobility 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Pain Interference 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Peer Relationships 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Upper Extremity 8a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - GI Belly Pain 5a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - GI Bowel Incontinence 4a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - GI Constipation 9a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - GI Diarrhea 6a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - GI Disrupted Swallowing 7a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - GI Gas and Bloating 13a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - GI Nausea and Vomiting 4a
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - GI Reflux 13a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 10a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 10b
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 20a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 6b
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 8b
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Upper Extremity 7a
Spanish Content for the Instruments below:
English | Spanish |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Asthma | PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Asma |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Fatigue | PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Agotamiento |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Mobility | PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Movilidad |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Pain Interference | PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Efectos del dolor |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Peer Rel | PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Relaciones entre iguales |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Upper Extremity | PROMIS Banco Ped v1.0 - Extremidades superiores |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.1 - Anxiety | PROMIS Banco Ped v1.1 - Ansiedad |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.1 - Depressive Sx | PROMIS Banco Ped v1.1 - Síntomas de depresión |
PROMIS measures updates
If you are currently using any of the deprecated measures, you should switch to the new versions.Deprecated measures | new versions |
PROMIS Bank v1.2 - Physical Function | PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Physical Function |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Asthma | PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Asthma Impact |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Fatigue | PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Mobility | PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Pain Interference | PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Peer Rel | PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Upper Extremity | PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.1 - Anxiety | PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Anxiety |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.1 - Depressive Sx | PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx |
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Anxiety 8a | PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Anxiety 8a |
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Asthma 8a | PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Asthma Impact 8a |
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Depressive Sx 8a | PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Depressive Sx 8a |
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Fatigue 10a | PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Fatigue 10a |
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Mobility 8a | PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Mobility 8a |
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Pain Interference 8a | PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Pain Interference 8a |
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Peer Rel 8a | PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Peer Relationships 8a |
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Upper Extremity 8a | PROMIS Ped SF v2.0 - Upper Extremity 8a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Physical Function 4a | PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 4a |
PROMIS SF v1.2 - Physical Function 6b | PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 6b |
PROMIS SF v1.2 - Physical Function 8b | PROMIS SF v2.0 - Physical Function 8b |
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Asthma | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Asthma Impact |
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.1 - Depressive Sx | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx |
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.1 - Anxiety | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Anxiety |
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Fatigue | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue |
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Pain Interference | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference |
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Peer Relations | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relations |
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Upper Extremity | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity |
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Mobility | PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility |
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.1 - Anxiety 8b | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Anxiety 8a |
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Asthma 8a | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Asthma Impact 8a |
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Fatigue 10a | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Fatigue 10a |
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Mobility 8a | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Mobility 8a |
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Pain Interfere 8a | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Pain Interfere 8a |
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Peer Relations 7a | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Peer Relations 7a |
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Upper Extremity 8a | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Upper Extremity 8a |
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.1-Depressive Symptoms 6b | PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0-Depressive Symptoms 6a |
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Anger 5a | PROMIS Parent Proxy Scale v2.0 - Anger |
2012 endpoints have been retired. If you are still calling a 2012 endpoint, you will receive an error message instructing you to update to the equivalent 2014 endpoint.
Effected endpoints:
New Content
Spanish Content for the Instruments below:
English | Spanish |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 - Ability to Part. in SRA | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.0 - Capacidad para participar en roles y actividades sociales |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 - Anxiety | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.0 - Ansiedad |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 - Depression | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.0 - Depresión |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 - Emotional & Beh. Dyscontrol | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.0 - Descontrol emocional y conductual |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 - Fatigue | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.0 - Agotamiento |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 - LEx Fnct (Mobility) | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.0 - Funcionamiento de las extremidades inferiores (Movilidad) |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 - Stigma | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.0 - Estigma |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 - UEx Fnct (FineMotor, ADL) | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.0 - Funcionamiento de las extremidades superiores - motricidad fina, actividades cotidianas |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.0 Pos. Affect & Well-Being | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos y bienestar |
Neuro-QOL Bank v1.1 - Satisfaction w SRA | Neuro-QoL Banco v1.1 - Satisfacción con la participación en roles y actividades sociales |
Neuro-QOL Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function | Neuro-QoL Banco v2.0 - Función Cognitiva |
Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v1.0 - Anxiety | Neuro-QoL Banco Ped v1.0 - Ansiedad |
Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v1.0 - SR - Interaction w Peers | Neuro-QoL Banco Ped v1.0 - Relaciones sociales: Interacción con niños de la misma edad |
Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v1.0 - Stigma | Neuro-QoL Banco Ped v1.0 - Estigma |
Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v1.1 - Depression | Neuro-QoL Banco Ped v1.1 - Depresión |
Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function | Neuro-QoL Banco Ped v2.0 - Función cognitiva |
Neuro-QOL Ped Bank v2.1- Fatigue | Neuro-QoL Banco Ped v2.1- Agotamiento |
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v1.0 - Anger | Neuro-QoL SF Ped v1.0 - Enojo |
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v1.0 - Anxiety | Neuro-QoL SF Ped v1.0 - Ansiedad |
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v1.0 - Depression | Neuro-QoL SF Ped v1.0 - Depresión |
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v1.0 - Pain | Neuro-QoL SF Ped v1.0 - Dolor |
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v1.0 - SR - Interaction w Peers | Neuro-QOL SF Ped v1.0 - Relaciones sociales: Interacción con niños de la misma edad |
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v1.0 - Stigma | Neuro-QoL SF Ped v1.0 - Estigma |
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v2.0 - Cognitive Function | Neuro-QoL SF Ped v2.0 - Función Cognitiva |
Neuro-QOL Ped SF v2.1 - Fatigue | Neuro-QoL SF Ped v2.1 - Agotamiento |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - Ability to Part. in SRA | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Capacidad para participar en roles y actividades sociales |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - Anxiety | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Ansiedad |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - Depression | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Depresión |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - Emotional & Beh. Dyscontrol | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Descontrol emocional y conductual |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - Fatigue | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Agotamiento |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - LEx Fnct (Mobility) | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Funcionamiento de las extremidades inferiores (Movilidad) |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - Stigma | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Estigma |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 - UEx Fnct (FineMotor, ADL) | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Funcionamiento de las extremidades superiores - motricidad fina, actividades cotidianas |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.0 Pos. Affect & Well-Being | Neuro-QoL SF v1.0 - Sentimientos positivos y bienestar |
Neuro-QOL SF v1.1- Satisfaction w SRA | Neuro-QoL SF v1.1 - Satisfacción con la participación en roles y actividades sociales |
Neuro-QOL SF v2.0 - Cognitive Function | Neuro-QoL SF v2.0 - Función cognitiva |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Anxiety | PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Ansiedad |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Depression | PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Depresión |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Fatigue | PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Agotamiento |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Pain Behavior | PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Comportamiento ante el dolor |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance | PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Sleep-Related Impairment | PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Alteraciones relacionadas con el sueño |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Social Sat DSA | PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Satisfacción con la participación en actividades sociales discrecionales |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Social Sat Role | PROMIS Banco v1.0 - Satisfacción con la participación en roles sociales |
PROMIS Bank v1.1 - Anger | PROMIS Banco v1.1 - Enojo |
PROMIS Bank v1.1 - Pain Interference | PROMIS Banco v1.1 - Efectos del dolor |
PROMIS Bank v1.2 - Mobility | PROMIS Banco v1.2 - Movilidad |
PROMIS Bank v1.2 - Physical Function | PROMIS Banco v1.2 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico |
PROMIS Bank v1.2 - Upper Extremity | PROMIS Banco v1.2 - Extremidades superiores |
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Ability to Participate Social | PROMIS Banco v2.0 - Capacidad para participar en roles y actividades sociales |
PROMIS Scale v1.0 - Pain Intensity 3a | PROMIS Escala v1.0 - Intensidad del dolor 3a |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Anxiety 7a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Ansiedad 7a |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Depression 8b | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Depresión 8b |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Fatigue 7a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Agotamiento 7a |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Pain Behavior 7a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Comportamiento ante el dolor 7a |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Pain Interference 6b | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Efectos del dolor 6b |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Phys. Function 10a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 10a |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Phys. Function 20a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 20a |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Sleep Disturb 8b | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño 8b |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Sleep-Related Impairment 8a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Alteraciones relacionadas con el sueño 8a |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Social Sat DSA 7a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Satisfacción con la participación en actividades sociales discrecionales 7a |
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Social Sat Role 7a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Satisfacción con la participación en roles sociales 7a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Anxiety 4a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Ansiedad 4a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Anxiety 6a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Ansiedad 6a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Anxiety 8a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Ansiedad 8a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Depression 4a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Depresión 4a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Depression 6a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Depresión 6a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Depression 8a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Depresión 8a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Fatigue 4a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Agotamiento 4a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Fatigue 6a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Agotamiento 6a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Fatigue 8a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Agotamiento 8a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Pain Interference 4a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Efectos del dolor 4a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Pain Interference 6a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Efectos del dolor 6a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Pain Interference 8a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Efectos del dolor 8a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Physical Function 4a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 4a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Sleep Disturbance 4a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño 4a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Sleep Disturbance 6a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño 6a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Sleep Disturbance 8a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Trastornos del sueño 8a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Social Sat Role 4a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Satisfacción con la participación en roles sociales 4a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Social Sat Role 6a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Satisfacción con la participación en roles sociales 6a |
PROMIS SF v1.0-Social Sat Role 8a | PROMIS SF v1.0 - Satisfacción con la participación en roles sociales 8a |
PROMIS SF v1.1 - Anger 5a | PROMIS SF v1.1 - Enojo 5a |
PROMIS SF v1.1 - Global Health | PROMIS SF v1.1 - Salud general |
PROMIS SF v1.2 - Physical Function 6b | PROMIS SF v1.2 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 6b |
PROMIS SF v1.2 - Physical Function 8b | PROMIS SF v1.2 - Capacidad de funcionamiento físico 8b |
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Ability to Participate Social 4a | PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad para participar en roles y actividades sociales 4a |
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Ability to Participate Social 6a | PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad para participar en roles y actividades sociales 6a |
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Ability to Participate Social 8a | PROMIS SF v2.0 - Capacidad para participar en roles y actividades sociales 8a |
PROMIS Scale/Battery v1.2 - Global Health
PROMIS-29 Profile/Battery v2.0
PROMIS-43 Profile/Battery v2.0
PROMIS-57 Profile/Battery v2.0
added new profile/battery endpoint
Percentile values for T-Score look-up for a selected set of domains by sub groups
2014 Usage endpoint added
Bug fix
update Try it! pages to call 2014 endpoints
relabel AssessmentID in Try it! pages to Assessment Token, in order to clarify that the values should be the Token returned from the Assessment endpoint
for 2014/usage/{Registration}.json endpoint change array name from 'Type' to 'Review' to match xml format.
remove Name attribute from 2014/Forms/.xml to match 2014/Forms/.json
replace & with 'and' in 2014/Form/.xml endpoint when returning a list of Forms
New Content
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Functional Limitations
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Day Activ
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Emotions
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Meds/Tx
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Soc Inter
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Symptoms
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Coping Expect AllSmk
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Coping Expect Daily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Coping Expect NonDaily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Emot/Sensory AllSmk
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Emot/Sensory Daily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Emot/Sensory NonDaily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Health Expect AllSmk
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Health Expect Daily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Health Expect NonDaily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking NicotineDepend AllSmk
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking NicotineDepend Daily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking NicotineDepend NonDaily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking PsychSocExpect AllSmk
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking PsychSocExpect Daily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking PsychSocExpect NonDaily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Social Motive AllSmk
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Social Motive Daily
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Social Motive NonDaily
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Cog Function Abilities Subset
PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Cognitive Function
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Life Satisfaction
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Meaning Purpose
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Pain Behavior
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Phys Stress Exp
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Physical Activity
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Positive Affect
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Psych Stress Exp
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Strength Impact
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Anxiety
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Asthma Impact
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relations
PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity
PROMIS Parent Proxy Scale v1.0 - Global Health 7
PROMIS Parent Proxy Scale v1.0 - Global Health 7+2
PROMIS Parent Proxy Scale v2.0 - Anger
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Cog Function 7a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Life Satisfaction 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Life Satisfaction 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Meaning Purpose 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Meaning Purpose 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Pain Behavior 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Phys Stress Exp 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Phys Stress Exp 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Physical Activity 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Physical Activity 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Positive Affect 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Positive Affect 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Psych Stress Exp 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Psych Stress Exp 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Strength Impact 4a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v1.0 - Strength Impact 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Anxiety 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Asthma Impact 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Fatigue 10a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Mobility 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Pain Interfere 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Peer Relations 7a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0 - Upper Extremity 8a
PROMIS Parent Proxy SF v2.0-Depressive Symptoms 6a
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Cognitive Function
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Life Satisfaction
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Meaning and Purpose
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Pain Behavior
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Physical Activity
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Physical Stress Experiences
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Positive Affect
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Psych Stress Experiences
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Strength Impact
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Cognitive Function 7a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Life Satisfaction 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Life Satisfaction 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Meaning and Purpose 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Meaning and Purpose 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Pain Behavior 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Physical Activity 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Physical Activity 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Physical Stress Experience 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Physical Stress Experience 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Positive Affect 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Positive Affect 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Psych Stress Experiences 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Psych Stress Experiences 8a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Strength Impact 4a
PROMIS Ped SF v1.0 - Strength Impact 8a
PROMIS Pediatric Scale v1.0 - Global Health 7
PROMIS Pediatric Scale v1.0 - Global Health 7+2
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Activity Motivation
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Activity Requirements
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Airborne Exposure
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Asst Devices Resources
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Characteristics
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Emotional Response
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Task Avoidance
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Dyspnea Time Extension
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Dyspnea Funct Limitations 10a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Dyspnea Severity 10a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Day Activ 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Day Activ 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Emotions 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Emotions 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Meds/Tx 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Meds/Tx 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Soc Inter 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Soc Inter 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Symptoms 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Self-Efficacy Manage Symptoms 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Coping Expect 4a AllSmk
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Coping Expect Day 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Coping Expect Nonday 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Emot/Sensory 6a AllSmk
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Emot/Sensory Day 6a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Emot/Sensory Nonday 6a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Health Expect 6a AllSmk
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Health Expect Day 6a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Health Expect Nonday 6a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking NicotineDepend 4a AllSmk
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking NicotineDepend 8a AllSmk
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking NicotineDepend Day 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking NicotineDepend Day 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking NicotineDepend Nonday 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking NicotineDepend Nonday 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking PsychSocExpect 6a AllSmk
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking PsychSocExpect Day 6a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking PsychSocExpect Nonday 6a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Social Motive 4a AllSmk
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Social Motive Day 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Smoking Social Motive Nonday 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Cog Function Abilities Subset 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Cog Function Abilities Subset 6a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Cog Function Abilities Subset 8a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Cognitive Function 4a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Cognitive Function 6a
PROMIS SF v2.0 - Cognitive Function 8a
support for .NET 4.0
added ItemType attribute to Item node when calling Results endpoint
add instrument counter
add Exception for registering duplicate email addresses, do not implment (2012_01_Registration.ashx)
Scoring multiple collapsed categories
Accept non-default initial distmean and diststddev (smoking banks)
Add demo application
Update API documents for 2014 endpoints.
Bug fix
add Missing Form2.xsl used by 2014_01_Form.ashx when not specifying an extension.
return {\"warning\":\"Document is null\"}; from Calibration endpoint instead of text "Document is null"
Fix Participant online demo page
On application start-up preloading all content (default) is configurable. The alterative is only loading instruments when requested
Audit logging of Participant requests is configurable
Bug fix
Bug fix to remove ??? placeholders for ascii characters (bug_fix_ascii_char.sql)
Neuro-QOL Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function: How much DIFFICULTY do you currently have???
Neuro-QOL Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function: Words I wanted to use seemed to be on the ???tip of my tongue???
Neuro-QOL Instr. for Caregiver/Proxy Respondents: The following questionnaires will ask about your care recipient???s symptom and activity levels; his/her ability to think, concentrate and remember things; questions specific to his/her condition, and questions related to his/her quality of life. Please answer the following questions based on what you think your care recipient would say.
Neuro-QOL Instr. for Parent/Proxy Respondents: The following questionnaires will ask about your child???s symptom and activity levels; his/her ability to think, concentrate and remember things; questions specific to his/her condition, and questions related to his/her quality of life.
Please answer the following questions based on what you think your child would say.
Neuro-QOL Scale v1.0 - Communication: How much DIFFICULTY do you currently have???
Neuro-QOL SF v2.0 - Cognitive Function: How much DIFFICULTY do you currently have???
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Applied Cog General Concerns: Words I wanted to use have seemed to be on the ???tip of my tongue???
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Alcohol Use: In a typical week, I drank???
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Alcohol Use: On a typical day when I drank alcohol, I had???
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Alcohol Use: The largest number of drinks that I had in a single day was???
PROMIS Bank v1.2 - Physical Function: Does your health now limit you in going OUTSIDE the home, for example to shop or visit a doctor???s office?
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Sexual Fx Screener Questions: Are you???
Remove non-ascii character from ItemID in Instrument:PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Mobility
fix_PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Mobility_Items.sql
fix_PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.0 - Mobility_Calibration.sql
Remove the following instruments: disable_Instruments_2014.sql
Neuro-QOL Instr. for Caregiver/Proxy Respondents
Neuro-QOL Instr. for Parent/Proxy Respondents
Neuro-QOL Ped Scale v1.0 - LEx Fnct (Mobility)
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Psychosocial Illness Impact Neg
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Psychosocial Illness Impact Pos
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Alcohol Use
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Negative Consequences
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Positive Consequences
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Phys Func Samples w Mobility Aid
PROMIS Ped-25 Profile v1.1
PROMIS Ped-37 Profile v1.1
PROMIS Ped-49 Profile v1.1
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Anal Discomfort
PROMIS Sexual Function Profile v1.0-Male&Female
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Phys Func Samples w Mobility Aid
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Psychosoc Illness Impact-Neg 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Psychosoc Illness Impact-Neg 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Psychosoc Illness Impact-Pos 4a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Psychosoc Illness Impact-Pos 8a
PROMIS SF v1.0 Alcohol: Alcohol Use 7a
PROMIS SF v1.0 Alcohol: Negative Consequences 7a
PROMIS SF v1.0 Alcohol: Positive Consequences 7a
PROMIS-29 Profile v2.0
PROMIS-43 Profile v2.0
PROMIS-57 Profile v2.0
Fix InternalBranchEngine7 engine in order to administer - Neuro-QOL Ped Scale v1.0 - LEx Fnct (Mobility)
Increment item counter for sequence engine after item is answered not when presented
Missing xslt stylesheet for calibrations (JSON_Calibration2.xsl)
Use Value instead of Description attribute in SequenceBranchEngine
Instruments Affected:
PROMIS SF v1.0 Alcohol: Alcohol Use 7a
PROMIS SF v1.0 Alcohol: Negative Consequences 7a
PROMIS SF v1.0 - Phys Func Samples w Mobility Aid
PROMIS SF v1.0 Alcohol: Positive Consequences 7a
PROMIS Pool v1.0 - Anal Discomfort
PROMIS Sexual Function Profile v1.0-Male&Female
Append Theta and SE attributes to results in SectionalCATEngine.
Instruments Affected:
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Psychosocial Illness Impact Neg
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Psychosocial Illness Impact Pos
Fix to MSS.Engines.ScreeningCATEngine
Instrument Affected:
PROMIS Bank v1.0-Phys Func Samples w Mobility Aid
Fix to MSS.Engines.AlcoholScreeningCATEngine
Instrument Affected:
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Alcohol Use
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Negative Consequences
PROMIS Bank v1.0 Alcohol: Positive Consequences
Scoring event add using around db connections
version 2014-01 is now available. To use, replace 2012-01 with 2014-01 in endpoints
new PROMIS and Neuro-QOL content available with 2014-01 version (see{json or xml})
Bug fix
Remove assessment state from application memory after saving assessment to results. (only applicable when using mysession="INPROC")
Bug fix
for 2012/Forms/{formoid} change the value attribute so it represents the score of the response. (i.e. reference Description in the original doc)
Bug Fixes
Performance fix regarding db connections.
Bug fix related to deactivating registrations.
Bug fix for IE 10 related to starting an assessment.
SmtpServer setting in web.config is optional.(If left blank e-mail will not be sent out
During adminstration, if a 'Persist' parameter is sent then transient scores will be available
PROMIS Bank updates
If you are currently using any of the deprecated banks, you should switch to the new versions.
Deprecated bank | New version |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Anxiety | PROMIS Ped Bank v1.1 - Anxiety |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Pain Interference | PROMIS Bank v1.1 - Pain Interference |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Anger | PROMIS Bank v1.1 - Anger |
PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Depressive Sx | PROMIS Ped Bank v1.1 - Depressive Sx |
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Physical Function | PROMIS Bank v1.2 - Physical Function |
The ability to Skip items
Use the HTTP 'POST' method for the resource{Token}
Send the following name/value pairs:
BETA : Score Item groups (i.e. Short-Forms)
(New Resource) 2013-01/Scores/{Form} - coming soon