Localized Content: All forms are unique in that there is not an endpoint parameter that displays or administers localized versions of a form. However, localized forms do have an extra attribute, ParentOID that refers to the base version (i.e. English). Therefore, no change in coding is necessary to order or administer a localized instance of a form. You just need to know the FormOID.


How to load a new localized version of a form into the API:


1. Create a localization record in the dbo.Localization table by executing the dbo.loadLocalizedForm.


EXECUTE [dbo].[loadLocalizedForm](

@FormOID uniqueidentifier,

@Description nvarchar(255),

@xml xml,

@locale varchar(255)



where @FormOID is the base version of the form (i.e. ParentOID)

@Description is the base version name of the form

@xml xml is the localized elements of the form

@locale is the locale code for the localized form


For the xml localized elements, you can retrieve the English version using the below query,


SELECT Form FROM dbo.Localization WHERE FormOID = @FormOID and locale='en-US'



and update the Description attributes with the translated text.


Below is an abbreviated version of @xml parameter after updating with translated text.

< Elements >

<Element ElementOID="37512B7A-A877-4EC5-B3D7-B49408BCFA83" Description="Alltid" />

<Element ElementOID="E14E9E77-5A73-4E91-AA1D-DFF7D12C23F8" Description="Jag kände utmattad" />

<Element ElementOID="255B0E00-D93A-404F-B43E-995964B4D024" Description="Jag kände uttröttad" />

<Element ElementOID="8399FB1C-507E-4BAF-B381-2A0CA992C8FB" Description="Jag. någon energi" />

<Element ElementOID="D77392F8-6181-44E3-8F0B-FDC58A27302C" Description="Jag kände mig tröt" />

. . .



The ElementOID must match the base form version.


2. Create a duplicate form record in the dbo.Forms2 table using the sql script below.


DECLARE @Description nvarchar(255)

SELECT @Description = {Localized Form name}

DECLARE @FormOID uniqueidentifier

SELECT @FormOID = LocalizationOID FROM dbo.Localization WHERE FormOID= @ParentOID and locale = {locale code for the localized form}

INSERT INTO dbo.Forms2(FormOID, Form, Description)

SELECT @FormOID ,Form, @Description FROM dbo.Forms2 WHERE FormOID = @ParentOID


3. Update the Form field by adding the ParentOID attribute.


<Form Status="" DateFinished="" Engine="SequenceEngine" Name="Spanish PROMIS SF v1.0-Depression 4a" ParentOID="597A9B24-5B5C-487D-9606-451355DC6E3D">


<Item ItemDataOID="" FormItemOID="820862DC-FE52-41E6-8B11-1C371C8AACE5" ItemResponseOID="" Response="" ResponseTime="" Position="" Section="1" Order="1" ID="EDDEP04" ItemType="">


. . .


4. Update the Element description with the translated versions by calling [dbo].[translateForm]


EXECUTE [dbo].[translateForm](



@locale varchar(255)



5. Create duplicate form record in the dbo.Calibrations2 table. Assuming that base calibrations will be used.


DECLARE @Description nvarchar(255)

SELECT @Description = {Localized Form name}

DECLARE @FormOID uniqueidentifier

SELECT @FormOID = LocalizationOID FROM dbo.Localization WHERE FormOID= @ParentOID and locale = {locale code for the localized form}

INSERT INTO dbo.Calibrations2(FormOID, Form, Scoring Parameter, Description)

SELECT @FormOID, Form, Scoring Parameter, @Description FROM dbo.Calibrations2 WHERE FormOID = @ParentOID


6. Update the FormItemOIDs and ItemResponseOIDs in the localized form by call the [dbo].[updateFormAttributesOIDs] for the localized form.


EXECUTE [dbo].[updateFormAttributeOIDs](




7. Register Engine and Event records.


DECLARE @EngineOID uniqueidentifier

SELECT @EngineOID = EngineOID FROM dbo.FormEngine WHERE FormOID= {English FormOID}


DECLARE @EventOID uniqueidentifier

SELECT @EventOID = EventOID FROM dbo.FormEvent WHERE FormOID= {English FormOID}


INSERT INTO dbo.FormEngine(FormOID, EngineOID) VALUES (@FormOID, @EngineOID) -- @FormOID is the localized FormOID


If the Parent form has an event (i.e. @EventOID is not null)


INSERT INTO dbo.FormEvent(FormOID, EventOID) VALUES (@FormOID, @EventOID) -- @FormOID is the localized FormOID