Two new types
of PROMIS computer adaptive tests (CATs) stopping rules are available for a subset
of PROMIS domains.
The stopping
rules are implemented as engines, so for stateless administration, you would
set the EngineAssembly and EngineType (see Stateless Customization FAQ).
= MSS.PSEREngine
EngineType = MSS.Engines.CATEngineGRM_PSER_EST
This stopping
rule is designated by the (recommended) at the end of the measure name and the
stopping rule is similar to the Standard Error Reduction (SER) (see Stateless Customization FAQ).
The stopping
conditions are listed below.
Pediatric (age 8-17) and Parent Proxy (ages 5-17):
The MSS.Engines.CATEngineGRM_PSER_EST can be used with the
measurements below:
1E80187E-9AC1-4F3A-8672-24B916566849 - PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Anxiety (recommended)
C0DCB3EA-CFFD-4A77-9488-DBAF51225106 - PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Depression (recommended)
2E58348D-A4E1-4667-AF7B-BC9891EE3609 - PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Fatigue (recommended)
CEE6A7BE-6B53-4B81-B74B-D289999726E0 - PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance (recommended)
572240E6-AA7D-4F45-BC20-E95422EBDB94 - PROMIS Bank v1.1 - Pain Interference (recommended)
9B97BA3B-F7B2-4FFF-9B64-0AB4A680EBA8 - PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function (recommended)
3EB8FC37-1874-4EBC-9504-69F47F2A72BF - PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Physical Function (recommended)
D38DDEBA-7E0D-47C2-8071-FF16321515D8 - PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction Roles Activities (recommended)
C96F4377-747F-47D4-97FF-9374E7DEB1E9 - PROMIS Bank v2.1 - Upper Extremity (recommended)
1BB7614A-53DE-4FB6-A4D0-5B67633ED301 - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.1 - Cognitive Function (recommended)
E61FF574-C204-4791-A92F-AEAC5C31C04D - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (recommended)
34380721-5F35-400C-988C-6040EDEF7245 - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (recommended)
E0174617-F3DB-4D05-952D-C80076B3EEE7 - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (recommended)
C657C15F-0EA4-423B-B7DA-406197A37D1C - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility (recommended)
FC995A33-B3C5-4363-98AA-8660E971B42A - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (recommended)
B871AF30-D298-47ED-9F80-B2767D414BD5 - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relations (recommended)
F609387F-D45C-4E57-AF55-D5F8A63342CC - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity (recommended)
BA5A694E-525B-4CFA-975A-704BB88CC72D- PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Cognitive Function (recommended)
6E0E0DFF-CC1D-4EE2-A109-C249F59A44F7 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (recommended)
B06AED6B-3223-48BC-BD4F-1FC610940780 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (recommended)
E08FF7CC-BE88-4373-8404-FF747C27B287 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (recommended)
CB83C334-52A1-49F9-AD51-9EC4ADD93580 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility (recommended)
2F27A13F-61F4-41C3-80C7-30CF7E70D03E - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (recommended)
E11F821B-829E-4D0B-B6C3-9D02258F8527 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships (recommended)
0D02EBF0-E3F4-41D2-B58A-3C0DB4B7EE9D - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - UpperExtremity (recommended)
= MSS.PSEREngine
EngineType = MSS.Engines.CATEngineGRM_ScreenCAT
This stopping
rule is designated by the (screen-to-CAT) at the end of the measure name and the
stopping rule is similar to Extreme Response Options (see Stateless Customization FAQ).
The stopping
conditions are listed below.
(age 8-17) and Parent Proxy (ages 5-17):
The MSS.Engines.CATEngineGRM_ScreenCAT can be used with the
measurements below:
1E80187E-9AC1-4F3A-8672-24B916566849 - PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
C0DCB3EA-CFFD-4A77-9488-DBAF51225106 - PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Depression (screen-to-CAT)
2E58348D-A4E1-4667-AF7B-BC9891EE3609 - PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
CEE6A7BE-6B53-4B81-B74B-D289999726E0 - PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Sleep Disturbance (screen-to-CAT)
572240E6-AA7D-4F45-BC20-E95422EBDB94 - PROMIS Bank v1.1 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
9B97BA3B-F7B2-4FFF-9B64-0AB4A680EBA8 - PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Cognitive Function (screen-to-CAT)
3EB8FC37-1874-4EBC-9504-69F47F2A72BF - PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Physical Function (screen-to-CAT)
D38DDEBA-7E0D-47C2-8071-FF16321515D8 - PROMIS Bank v2.0 - Satisfaction Roles Activities (screen-to-CAT)
C96F4377-747F-47D4-97FF-9374E7DEB1E9 - PROMIS Bank v2.1 - Upper Extremity (screen-to-CAT)
1BB7614A-53DE-4FB6-A4D0-5B67633ED301 - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v1.1 - Cognitive Function (screen-to-CAT)
E61FF574-C204-4791-A92F-AEAC5C31C04D - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
34380721-5F35-400C-988C-6040EDEF7245 - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (screen-to-CAT)
E0174617-F3DB-4D05-952D-C80076B3EEE7 - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
C657C15F-0EA4-423B-B7DA-406197A37D1C - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Mobility (screen-to-CAT)
FC995A33-B3C5-4363-98AA-8660E971B42A - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
B871AF30-D298-47ED-9F80-B2767D414BD5 - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Peer Relations (screen-to-CAT)
F609387F-D45C-4E57-AF55-D5F8A63342CC - PROMIS Parent Proxy Bank v2.0 - Upper Extremity (screen-to-CAT)
BA5A694E-525B-4CFA-975A-704BB88CC72D- PROMIS Ped Bank v1.0 - Cognitive Function (screen-to-CAT)
6E0E0DFF-CC1D-4EE2-A109-C249F59A44F7 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Anxiety (screen-to-CAT)
B06AED6B-3223-48BC-BD4F-1FC610940780 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Depressive Sx (screen-to-CAT)
E08FF7CC-BE88-4373-8404-FF747C27B287 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Fatigue (screen-to-CAT)
CB83C334-52A1-49F9-AD51-9EC4ADD93580 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Mobility (screen-to-CAT)
2F27A13F-61F4-41C3-80C7-30CF7E70D03E - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Pain Interference (screen-to-CAT)
E11F821B-829E-4D0B-B6C3-9D02258F8527 - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - Peer Relationships (screen-to-CAT)
0D02EBF0-E3F4-41D2-B58A-3C0DB4B7EE9D - PROMIS Ped Bank v2.0 - UpperExtremity (screen-to-CAT)